
new bible study

I am doing this new bible study and just wanted to share it with you. It is over at Time Warp Wife web site by Darlene Schacht. It is free and so are all of her beautiful free printable's. She has several studies but this is one of the current ones. A wonderful study on faith and God's provision. 

Here are some of the free beautiful Printable's , Lesson plan, scripture cards, etc, including some coloring pages. Now these come on a full size sheet of paper. But I wanted it to fit in this binder so I reduced the size to 60% but next time only 70%. so the size I needed is 6 1/4 x 8 1/2. So you can decide what size you will need or just go for the full size for a regular binder.

This weeks(9) Gratitude52. The theme is "Shoes on my feet" and being thankful for how God provides for all our needs. I did this drawing of shoes 3 yrs ago for the 75 day art challenge and took a picture of it and used it for this weeks prompt. I just thought they were cute! 

And this is just last weeks journal pages (using plain paper) in my HP. I am still doing scripture writing on the other weekly pages. I am writing out the book of Philippians right now. 
Well that is it for this week, May God bless you richly as you study and be creative!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sharon!! It's been so, so long, my friend! I hope this finds you and yours doing well and abundantly blessed in the Lord!

    Well, I finally decided to get back to my blog after all this time. I wanted to drop in to see how things are with you, and yours, these days. I was scrolling down your page here and your art journals are simply beautiful ... I love how you're writing out the book of Philippians, sharing His Word and your faith through your creativity! So many people are into art journaling now. I just recently saw where they're selling bibles you can journal and be all 'artsy' in, too. I don't have much of a talent for being 'artsy' myself, but still, I would enjoy doing that. I would also like to check into that bible study from the Time Warp Wife you mentioned. I've been learning a lot about walking by faith and trusting in God's provision these days! I do believe many of us are! Thank you so much for sharing that! :)

    I'm glad to see you're still blogging, too. Most people I've followed here don't blog much at all anymore. From time to time, I also sign into the new, and not so improved, Xanga site in order to keep up with the few friends who are still posting there, but most have moved to WordPress. I've got a site there as well, but it's much more detailed and complicated in my opinion, than Blogger is, so I think I'm going to stick with this one. I do hope to be back very soon, and more often! You've been in my thoughts lately, and I'm glad to see you're still here, too! I do hope you remember me from Xanga, Sharon. I know it's been quite a while, a couple of years if not more, in fact! My blog was called, 'Threads of Faith', and you had so much information on how to use all the gadgets, etc..! I do miss those days in a way ... it was my first blog. It's been almost 10 years since I first started there and seems like yesterday ... where has the time gone!

    We've had quite a bit going on in our lives since you and I last talked ... health issues, deaths of loved ones in the family, trials to walk through, etc., but God has been faithful to us through it all! He is drawing me closer than I've ever been before, growing me, and teaching me how to rest in the midst of the storms of life. That's not always easy, but He's made a way through for us!

    So that's just a bit about me, my friend, and I would so enjoy hearing how you're doing, as well! You have a blessed week and enjoy the sunshine and warmth of spring! I'm glad it's finally here! :)
    ~ Deborah
