
Group Pages

 Week 8 in of Gratitude52 art Journal. the prompt was role model.  I have not had many in my life, but even if I did, there is none as great as Jesus and all He has done and is in my life. I truly thank Him for his continued work he is doing in my life! I love this verse in Philippians 1:6 "I am sure that God, who began a good work within you, will continue His Work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again." We are a work in progress.

This is this weeks(9) verse in Matt 22: 37- 39,  of Documented Faith, on the right. I did this page over a yr ago but I am using it here again. The left is just my weekly art page That I drew so it looks like notepapers on a page, But it isn't.
Wk-9 in Documented Faith group.
Our theme this month is Devotion so I did my own study on it on my iPad and then printed it out. Lessons to learn and to apply! I skipped week 8 as it was too repetitive.The next few weeks may be also as Stephanie Ackerman has had to have surgery and not able to post some of the lessons. We hope and pray she gets well soon.
I have to say that I am so disappointed in bloggers Picture quality here. The same pictures in FB and Instagram as so much clearer. and they always darken down a little here. Maybe blogger will improve in time.  May the Lord bless you this week! 

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