
DLP week 3

Week 3 of DLP. this is the page I came up with because the prompt or quote is "I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way" by Georgia Okeefe. As soon as I saw this I thought of this previous page I had done back in March 2012 with lots of shapes and color. The picture below.
So to make a new page by using a photo of it and incorporated it on the page with more shapes and color and added the quote. Its not great but it is what it is.  
I have been having a little trouble uploading pictures again on here. So it has taken me a while.
Have a blessed creative day.


  1. Very colorful and pretty! I like. My February Positivity Journal video is up on YouTube if you want to come see and the words are on my gratitude journal blog. God Bless!
