
DIY Faux Midori Notebook

Another recycled project. I have been wanting to make one of these cute little Midori notebooks for a long time. After seeing this youtube video by SeaLemon, and just how easy it is, I thought I would give it a try. I really wanted a leather one just like the ones you can but for $45.00 and up. I remembered I had this red leather Ipad cover I was not going to use anymore and thought it would be perfect for this. It was only $6.00 and I got good use out of it. 
 So I cut it up to 71/2 x 9 with left overs for a pen holder and strap. I made 3 signatures that are 71/2 x 8 5/8 with 8 sheets in each one. So there are 48 pages in all. I used Aleen's fabric glue to glue the fabric on the inside and to brighten it up.  I glued a ribbon in for the bookmark. Everything I used I already had around the house.  I am so happy the way it turned out and will probable make more of these for gifts.  

I plan on using it for drawings and notes, especially when I am waiting for something. I love these because they are so simple to make more signatures or booklets and to replace them. Also you can make these any size you want them and any type of material for the cover, even card stock covered in pretty paper. Oh the possibilities! 
Have a blessed creative week as you walk in the Spirit.  
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

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