
Happy Planner new DIY cover

This is my new Happy Planner cover I made. I sooooo love it!  How you ask?I used my  iPad, (or a iPhone) my wireless printer and an app called "print to size"(an apple app only). I am sure you have seen this picture before, it is an iPhone cover pic I took a screen shot of off of Pinterest. Then I edited it till I only had the pic. Then I went to the app, then photos, resized it in the app,then printed it. I cut it to the right size and laminated it 3 times to make it sturdy. Note- cut off the laminate really close to the paper the first 2 times leaving extra on the last time though. I also rounded the corners for a finished look. I Punched it and I was done, very easy. I am so ready for spring aren't you?  

And this is my scripture writings for last week, all about Gods love and that we are to love one another. I really enjoy writing out the scriptures.
Oh and now you can follow me by email. Just sign in on the right!
May God bless you all.


  1. Hi Sharon, Your blog is such an inspiration to me! I love your art with its soft colors and creative lettering and design. Is there a way I can get your posts by email? I and a friend are following some art prompts online; when viewing some of the work on Instagram I clicked a design I really liked and was so surprised to find that it was Yours! (No surprise, really) Yes, that is Jenny Frith's Gratitude 52. You won't find my art on there because I don't have Instagram. Rather than watercolor, we are doing mixed media pages with a lot of pasted paper, stamps, ink, cut outs, etc. I am thankful for the chance to share my craft room with my friend and her daughters, its a fun get-together. I have just a little more to do to complete my "Books" page. And you are doing Scripture Writing? Similar to the list from Sweet Blessings like I am using?
    God bless, Becky

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Becky, I found a way to add the follow me by email. Thanks for suggesting I do this.
    Thank you again for your sweet comment! I am just doing my own scripture writings in what i am studying or a topic I like. Glad you are doing your art. Hope you post it sometime! You can make Instagram private and hope you will join in!
    God blessYou!

  4. Great, Sharon, I'm signed up now. I look forward to having your posts sent to me, thank you. Today, my friends and I are doing Valentine's pages with heart doilies, fun, fun! And I'll make heart shaped scones with raspberry jelly inside, a new recipe.

  5. This is beautiful! Do you think you could post/share your image?
