
Group Art and journals

This is my journal for the groups I am doing. I decided to put them all in one book.

 Also to combine them on one page as you see on the right. This will look different each week of course. I think I can say the same thing in a smaller art format just like a larger one. On the left I keep tract of weekly art projects and groups. I can add note paper. tags, and other things in as I go along.I think these is going to work really well for me and less intimidating 

 In my HP in did a study in Ephesians! And did it like I did the last time.

I am still loving and using my everyday dori to journal in.
If you are looking for some planner printouts, go over to Art and Whimsy.
I finally found one I really like there. She has lots of cute ones.

So I printed these out, double sided, and made a booklet for the Month to put in my dori.
I really like it because these are things I like to keep tract of.  If I am not using say the shopping list for the day, then  I use the space for notes, a verse or something else. I decorate it sometimes too. By putting these things here on these pages, it gives me more room for my Journaling. Hope this give you some ideas for your art and journals.
Hope you all have a blessed creative day!

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