
New Journaling Bible

I got a  surprise on my door step last night that the mail man left me. It is my new HCSB Interactive Notetakers Bible womens edition, my hubby ordered and bought for me. I just love it. I have been researching many journal bibles and had finally decided on this one. BUT it is out of print so the search was on. One of the ladies in our Bible Journaling facebook group was from Australia and told me where I could find one. I was thrilled and willing to wait a few weeks for it to come. They are all sold out of these now.  I'll give my old one to a friend. This one will suit me much better. It is beautiful and I love it!  Hopefully I will have some time this week to Art journal in it. 

Now you know why I covered the other one to sort of look like this one. . 
Yesterday I went up to our womens retreat to teach a jounaling class. That was fun! But now I need to take notes on how I could can make it better for the next time. There were so many things I didn"t say or do, Ugh! Still learning!
Bless you today, stay in the word!


  1. Hi Sharon, I am so glad you love your new bible. You have done a great review on it too.

    Trish from Australia.

  2. I would LOVE to have this Bible!!! It is wonderful. I cannot find one. :-(
