
Art Journaling

I did this page on our trip. Just a little western theme.
This is a page I did in another journal that is hand made paper. It takes paint and pen in a different way. Makers and watercolors bleed through it. But it has a soft look to it. It has a lot of texture to the paper and is hard to write on. I need more practice on how to use this paper that is for sure.
 I got my art room all cleaned up and am ready to do start in again. I hope today.
 Have a blessed and creative day! 
"It is not for us to question how God will use our gifts. It is instead our responsibility to realize that God gave our talents to us for a purpose, HIS purpose, and it's not important that we understand what that purpose is before we start becoming productive artists.( That includes all talents and skills  music, singing, writing, painting drawing etc.) What is important is that we accept the talents God gave us, develop them,  honor them, use them, and not bury them."
 From the book "The creative Call" 
 May the God of hope full you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

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