
#40 Boat House

This is a busy week but I finally got to draw today. This is drawn from a picture in an old art book,  with a simple Bic pen on photo copy paper. You know those ones (pens)you get 10 for a dollar. They seem to work the best for me. 
God bless your week.
    I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.
  Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.      
 Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
 Psalms 145:1-3 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my friend! I must say, your drawings are simply amazing! And, yes, i still have a few of the old Bic pens around from our 'home schooling' days! I've never heard of anyone doing 'THAT' with them, though!! Just beautiful!! I have a set of charcoal pencils myself that I used to use to 'play' around with. I'm not very good at sketching, but I enjoyed the peace it would bring. I should get them out again ... your drawings are inspiring me, and I love this sketchbook challenge you've been doing, and the encouraging words and scriptures you share, too. I have been wanting to reply to your last email, but we have had a hectic few weeks. I want you to know that I so appreciated you catching me up with you, and yours, so look for a reply to that soon!

    Also want you to know that I'm stopping in from my 'new' home here on Blogger that I had told you about that would take the place of Xanga ... this is the one I set up for friends from there who have all moved here now, since they announced they were closing ... *sigh, well, now things have changed for them, but I'll share about that in my reply email! Not sure what I'm going to do with my other site here, 'A Quiet Strength' ... maybe import it all into this one. I understand now how much it is to have more than one blog! I'll figure it all out .. eventually! lol! In the meantime, do add this one, then you can find me either here, or on 'A Quiet Strength', and I know where to find you now, too. :) You have a wonderful day!

    Blessings to you,
    ~ Deborah
