
Day 13- Scatch challenge

This Challenge is great, at least I am drawing everyday now.  
So I have learned that scatching with a ball point pen is a lot better for me than a Micron pen.I have more control and I can get the shading I like. So I feel like I am making progress. The birds on the left I did on day 9 and they are bad but I did learn from my mistakes. The one on the bottom right I did yesterday.
Had the grandkids over today so haven't been able to draw yet but will tonight. It is getting to the point I can not  hardly wait for the time to draw.  That is so different for me and the push I needed. 
Have a blessed day! 
Psalms 119:15-16
I will study your commandments
and reflect on your ways.
 I will delight in your decrees
and not forget your word.

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