I have started my 75 Day Sketch Challenge with Brenda Swenson. You use just a pen, no pencils or eraser and no paint. I honestly was not sure I could do this but it is a lot easier than I thought. I just completed day 4. I am enjoying this so much and hope to get better with practice. I have chosen to do 2 days on one sheet of paper as it seems to be a more manageable size to me.
This journal is a 9 x 12 Aquabee. Maybe not the best choice but it is what I had on hand.
Maybe you want to give it a go too!
No body has to see it, it is just for you.
I am also busy with VBS this week. We had 260 kids today! 2 of my grandkids are attending also. So nice to see them everyday this week.
God bless your Day!
Beautiful sketches!