
Chief Eagle Seelatsee-painting

I was only about 24 yrs old when I saw this picture of Chief Eagle Seelatsee in the National Geographic magazine- in 1967 or 8. I loved his face and beautiful head dress. I had done one other portrait with success so I thought this would be a good challenge. I taped his picture on the back on the painting is how I can remember his name.
He is of the Yakima tribe in WA. and this is the finery his forefathers wore in the 19th century that he is modeling. I know, you have to love of the American Indians as I did to paint something like this. It is in my geneology. The medium is Oil.
This Painting was sold. the story later! 

Quote-Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together. ~John Ruskin


  1. Sharon, my friend! This site is absolutely beautiful! Art is very dear to my heart ... although I don't possess the talent or gift that God has blessed you with, I love to look at it all! I have dabbled a bit in pencil sketching, and I love to sit and cross stitch, as well. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in a day to do all that I'd really like to do! But, I'm so glad you've shared these with us! I haven't been on the computer too much, lately, but what a pleasant surprise to find this here! I'll be dropping in from time to time to see what else you've posted! You have a wonderful week!

    ~ Deborah <><

    1. Sharon this was my grandpa 😎 juluanne seelatsee

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Sharon. My name is Tom Waller. I bought your painting of the Yakama Chief Eagle Seelatsee that you based on the National Geographic photo in 1967 NG magazine. Well, I gave it as a gift to his hereditary grandson Rocco Clark Senior. His chief by heredity and he was honored to receive your painting as a gift, i gave him several years ago.

    I just thought I would reach out and let you know he has it hanging on his front room wall opposite a historical photo of Chief Seelatsee.

    God Bless You and Merry CHRISTmas!!!

    Tom Waller Jr.
    "Chief Walleye"

  4. Hi Tom, nice to hear from you and what a blessing to know Rocco is enjoying the painting. Hope you and your have a blessed CHRISTMas too!!
